

Problem: Modern healthcare relies on reactive models, where patients seek treatment only when symptoms manifest. This approach is insufficient for conditions like metabolic syndrome (MbS), leading to severe consequences such as arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.


Innovation: MiWear revolutionizes biomarker measurement with miniaturized and affordable Mid-Infrared (MIR) Spectroscopy. This technology, adaptable for everyday use, detects MbS-related biomarkers in the skin's interstitial fluid, enabling continuous monitoring and informed healthcare decisions.


Consortium: MiWear brings together a diverse consortium with expertise in biomarkers, optical spectroscopy, laser physics, business management, finance, and gender considerations. Quantune provides the groundbreaking technology to bring mid-infrared spectroscopy to the masses. Joanneum Research and Radboud University Medical Center contribute biomedicine, health sciences, and gender-specific symptomatology expertise. VTT Technical Research Center of Finland Ltd specializes in MEMS-component development for the spectrometer. Artificial Intelligence Experts will create an AI model for spectrum analysis, facilitating informed decisions by medical professionals. Finally, Science & Strategy SL works to transfer health technologies that positively impact society and the EU economy.

MiWear Consortium